Compact programming


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About the project

Relative sites:
Jim Highsmith
Steve McConnell
Robert L. Glass "Of Model Changeovers, Style, and Fatware"

Steve McConnell "Achieving Leaner Software"


Robert L. Glass "Of Model Changeovers, Style, and Fatware"
So you think there's too much "fatware" in the software world? Software packages that have far more features and capabilities than the average user needs or wants? Well, I do. I could have gone on happily, using my ancient WordStar word processor, for example, if the computer on which it ran hadn't up and died on me.
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Steve McConnell "Achieving Leaner Software"
Whether the software pudginess originates externally, from excess features, or internally, from overly complex designs and implementations, pudgy software takes more time to design, code, and debug than simpler software. Cost per line of code and defect rate per line of code increase as software size increases.
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Concept and design: Alexander Bouriac (
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