Compact programming


How to prevent crysis, to which leads the increasing complexity of software

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Relative sites:
Niklaus Wirth
Jim Highsmith
Steve McConnell
Heroes of computer world:
Donald Knuth

Nikolaus Wirth "Gedanken zur Software-Explosion"

Mary and Tom Poppendieck "Implementing Lean Software Development"

Jim Highsmith "Messy, exciting, and anxiety-ridden: adaptive software development"

Jim Highsmith "Agile Software Development Ecosystems"

Lance Williams "'Lean' could be newest trend in software design"


Robert L. Glass "Of Model Changeovers, Style, and Fatware"
So you think there's too much "fatware" in the software world? Software packages that have far more features and capabilities than the average user needs or wants? Well, I do. I could have gone on happily, using my ancient WordStar word processor, for example, if the computer on which it ran hadn't up and died on me.
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Fighting fatware: today's big, bloated software means big problems. What can you do about it-now, and in the future
Ed Perratore, Tom Thompson, Jon Udell, Rich Malloy
Today's big, bloated applications software means big problems. The paper first looks at the reasons for large software. They include a vendor adding features to stay competitive, poor software development management, increased use of high level languages, utility programs like spelling checkers, and graphical user interfaces.
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Niklaus Wirth "A Plea for Lean Software"
Do increased performance and functionality keep pace with the increased demand for resources? Mostly the answer is no. The author contends that software's girth has surpassed its functionality, largely because hardware advances make this possible.
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Steve McConnell "Achieving Leaner Software"
Whether the software pudginess originates externally, from excess features, or internally, from overly complex designs and implementations, pudgy software takes more time to design, code, and debug than simpler software. Cost per line of code and defect rate per line of code increase as software size increases.
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Hay malas lenguas que opinan que se trata de un acuerdo entre compañías de Hardware y Software con una doble intención: por un lado el facilitar a las productoras de programas la elaboración de estos, ya que no tienen que optimizarlos ni depurarlos apenas, y por otro el conseguir que el usuario tenga que cambiar de equipo o aumentar su capacidad antes.
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Bill Joy "Why the future doesn't need us"
The 21st-century technologies - genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR) - are so powerful that they can spawn whole new classes of accidents and abuses. Most dangerously, for the first time, these accidents and abuses are widely within the reach of individuals or small groups. They will not require large facilities or rare raw materials. Knowledge alone will enable the use of them. Thus we have the possibility not just of weapons of mass destruction but of knowledge-enabled mass destruction (KMD), this destructiveness hugely amplified by the power of self-replication.
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Idea and design: Alexander Bouriac (
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